Advocacy Work
Letter calling for action to avert a disruption in Canada’s Class I Railways
Aug 27, 2024
Re: Potential Labour Disruption in Class I Railways
Good afternoon Mr. Longfield,
On behalf of the Guelph Chamber of Commerce, I am writing to urge you to immediately intervene and do everything necessary to avert a disruption in Canada’s Class I railways.
A concurrent or sequential work stoppage at both major railways will leave Canadians with access to fewer goods and products, driving up prices and exacerbating affordability challenges. A failure to act swiftly will also put the livelihoods of millions of workers in jeopardy.
Our international reputation and relationship with our trading partners is at stake. Canada’s railways transport $380 billion worth of goods annually – that’s over $1 billion each day – and account for half of the country’s exports.
A rail stoppage on Canada’s Class I railways will disrupt Guelph's supply chains and external commerce. Our trucking industry does not have the necessary capacity to meet the shipping needs that will result from this stoppage and will inevitably cause delays in the delivery of goods and raw materials crucial for our business community.
We are respectfully asking that you safeguard the well-being of Canadians and the country’s reputation as a reliable trading partner by doing everything you can to ensure that a disruption to our national railway system does not occur.
Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.
Shakiba Shayani,
President and CEO
Guelph Chamber of Commerce